
Beyond Stereotypes: Cross-Cultural Differences that Matter for Lawyers
Michael Mcilwrath, ICC Dispute Resolution Services and CEO of MDisputes, ICC Dispute Resolution Services and MDisputes, Italy
Biodiversity Net Gain and the Task Force for NatureDisclosures Help Prevent the Sixth Mass Extinction?
Simon Boyle, Legal Director, Landmark Information Group, UK
Can blockchain technology help mitigate the black box phenomenon of AI applications?
John deVadoss, Board Member, Global Blockchain Business Council, USA
Matthias Artzt, Senior Legal Counsel, Deutsche Bank AG, Germany
Compliance Programs: Step-by-Step Guide to Building and Scaling Effective Programs from Start-Ups to Large Enterprises
Gunnar Wieboldt, Former SVP, General Counsel, Vestaron Corporation, USA
Corporate Conglomerates: Advantages, Disadvantages, Successes and Failures, Including Case Studies of General Electric and Berkshire Hathaway
Bruce Ortwine, General Counsel (retired), Americas; Adviser, Global Legal and Compliance (Retired), Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited and Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings, Inc., USA
De-risk as You Democratize: Accelerating Innovation and Ensuring AI Act Readiness in 2025
Dirk Naumann, Executive Vice President of Legal, Regulatory, and Compliance, and Chief Legal Officer , Orange Business, International
Global Business and the Hope for Fairness at Work
Clay Beery, General Counsel, Laitram, L.L.C., USA
In-House Legal Counsel Services to the State of Delaware and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Aaron Goldstein, Chief Staff Attorney, State of Delaware Court of Chancery, USA
NIS2 & Cybersecurity in Practice: Compliance Challenges
Andrej Savin, Professor, CBS LAW, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Payback Time: Trump and EU’s “Exorbitant” Fines vs US Tech Companies
Roy Girasa, Professor of Law, Pace University, USA
The UK Arbitration Bill : what do you need to know?
Colleen Parker Bacquet, Counsel, ICC International Court of Arbitration, France
Ashleigh Brocchieri, Expert Counsel, International Chamber of Commerce, France
Why In-House Lawyers Should Implement a Legal Risk Framework
Sarah Clark, Chief People and Transformation Officer, The Legal Director, UK