
Bankruptcy Code & Once the Vilified Promoter-Averse Approach
Partha Banerjee, Director and Head - Legal, Compliance and Regulatory Affairs, Max Bupa Health Insurance Company Limited, India
Can blockchain technology help mitigate the black box phenomenon of AI applications?
John deVadoss, Board Member, Global Blockchain Business Council, USA
Matthias Artzt, Senior Legal Counsel, Deutsche Bank AG, Germany
GREECE: The claw-back Mechanism
Dimitra Lempesi, Legal Counsel, SFEE, Greece
IPO from the GC perspective – “a marathon and a sprint”
Neil Murrin, General Counsel and Director, Regulatory Affairs, Trainline PLC, UK
Mifid Review: Principal Issues and Possible Impact on Financial Intermediaries' Business Lines
Emilia Petrocelli, Head of Legal Department, IW Bank S.p.A., Italy
New Real Estate Transfer Tax (RETT) Rules for Share Deals in Germany
Michael Schindlbauer, Legal Counsel, Eyemaxx Real Estate AG, Germany
Obtaining Redress for Victims of Crypto Fraud
Carmel King, Director, Insolvency and Asset Recovery , Grant Thornton UK LLP, UK
Andrew Maguire, Chancery and Commercial Barrister, Littleton Chambers, UK
Set-off in the Context of Receivable Financing
Pamlyn Lee, Vice President, Global Corporate & Sales Financing, Huawei Technologies, China
The Impacts of the Global Financial Crisis ('GFC') Continue to Present an Interesting Challenge for Company Secretaries to Navigate.
Suzanna Dabski, , Westpac Banking Corporation, Australia
Rachel Saffron, , Westpac Banking Corporation, Australia
Tim Hartin, Group Company Secretary, Westpac Banking Corporation, Australia
The Legal Framework on Foreign Exchange Transactions in Brazil: An Analysis of the Use of Cryptocurrencies to Exchange National Currencies
Bruno Quartieri Gaudêncio, Vice President , GTIS Partners, Brazil
Juliana Bastianello Baldin Martins, Managing Director - Legal Affairs, GTIS Partners, Brazil